fit und munter - Neuerscheinung: Contract Children

fit und munter

Neuerscheinung: Contract Children

Surrogate motherhood is expanding all over the world. Debates rage over how public policy should consider the signing away of the parental rights of birth mothers in favor of a ''commissioning'' couple or an individual.

Contract Children
Questioning Surrogacy
by Daniela Danna

describes the situation in English-speaking countries and worldwide, presenting the legal alternatives regulating (or not) these peculiar exchanges.
Should surrogacy remain a private agreement? Should it be treated as an enforceable contract? Are surrogate mothers workers? And: How can we live in this era of new techno-medical possibilities and try to stay human? Can we resist commodification in the field of human relations concerning procreation?

"Intelligent, compelling, and highly readable, ''Contract Children'' challenges us to rethink the meanings of motherhood, care, and markets before making judgments about the ethics of surrogacy. This is a powerful and original contribution to debates on surrogate motherhood."
Julia O''Connell Davidson, Professor of Sociology, University of Nottingham

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