fit und munter - ?GAF to implement its eMC+ electronic Mining Cadastre in Niger

fit und munter

?GAF to implement its eMC+ electronic Mining Cadastre in Niger

(Mynewsdesk) GAF AG is pleased to announce the award of a contract to support the Ministry of Mines and Industry in Niamey in establishing a new computerised mining cadastre and registry system in Niger.

The overall project objective is to improve governance in the mining sector by establishing a modern, web-based system for granting and managing mineral rights. The efficient, transparent, and reliable administration of such titles is a key factor in increasing growth and investment in the mining sector in Niger.

In practical terms, the project aims to:

* Improve the performance and transparency of mineral rights management, in accordance with the Mining Code and its implementation regulations as well as other legislation and regulations in Niger.

* Carry out the design, architectural specification and implementation of a centralised database for the mining cadastre.

* Provide effective and user-friendly software for managing the cadastral information.

* Provide capacity building with regard to the management of mineral rights.

The rollout of the eMC+ cadastre solution will increase the institutional capacity and efficiency of the ministry by providing comprehensive mineral tenure management. The contract has a duration of four months and is embedded in the ?PROJET D?APPUI A LA COMPETITIVITE ET A LA CROISSANCE (PRACC)?, which is being funded by the World Bank (IDA). GAF has more than 20 years of worldwide experience in the institutional and technical establishment and reorganisation of mining cadastre authorities. This includes the provision of associated consultancy services and customised software solutions.

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